XTD Xmas Tree


Light Installation


Expereicne Designer

Xintiandi, a trendy entertainment district in Shanghai, China has an annual art installation for Chirstmas event. Anyways, Here’s The Thing was in the role to conceptualize and design the installation together with Dogma and 100 Architects, studios based in Shanghai.

My role here was coming up an concept with tech specs that could win the pitching to Xintiandi on this RFP. Our final concept was selected while industry competitor like TeamLab were involved in pitching as well. 

The created in installation is a hybrid of a snow glob and tree house on a massive scale, which was built in just a few weeks. Participants are invited to touch, play and explore with interactive light and sound feedbacks, which creatives an playful, immersive festival experience.

Anyways Here’s The Thing Team:

Luobin Wang
Eric JiangNitcha Fame Tothong
Henry Lam
Zac Collopy
Zhenren Zhang
Yunfei Xiang

Project was in collaberation with Dogma and 100 Architects.